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Hello, World!

The first step to using BigMemory is to set up one or more instances of Ehcache. BigMemory uses Ehcache as its main programming interface.

  • Download and unpack the BigMemory Max download kit.
  • Add the license key (terracotta-license.key) to your classpath.
  • Add the following jars in the BigMemory Max download kit to your classpath:

    • common/lib/bigmemory-<version>.jar
    • apis/ehcache/lib/ehcache-ee-<version>.jar
    • apis/ehcache/lib/slf4j-api-<version>.jar
    • apis/ehcache/lib/slf4j-jdk-<version>.jar - only some versions include this jar

Create Configuration File

Create a basic configuration file, name it "ehcache.xml" and put it in your classpath:

<ehcache xmlns:xsi=""
  <cache name="hello-world" maxBytesLocalHeap="64M"/>

This tells BigMemory that you have a data store called "hello-world" and that it can use a maximum of 64 megabytes of heap in the local Java Virtual Machine.


Create and compile a Java class called HelloWorld:

import net.sf.ehcache.Cache;
import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager;
import net.sf.ehcache.Element;

public class HelloWorld {

    public static void main(final String[] args) {

        // Create a cache manager
        final CacheManager cacheManager = new CacheManager();

        // create the data store called "hello-world"
        final Cache dataStore = cacheManager.getCache("hello-world");

        // create a key to map the data to
        final String key = "greeting";

        // Create a data element
        final Element putGreeting = new Element(key, "Hello, World!");

        // Put the element into the data store

        // Retrieve the data element
        final Element getGreeting = dataStore.get(key);

        // Print the value


When you run the program in a terminal, you will see BigMemory print out its license and startup info, then the string "Hello, World!".

Next Step

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